5 High Paying Seasonal Jobs for RVers

By Carrie Wilder | Last Updated: January 9, 2025 

How would you like to work a few months out of the year stockpiling money and spend the rest of the year traveling and just doing whatever you want? Would you believe me if I told you that hundreds, if not thousands, of people live this exact lifestyle every single year? Whether you’d believe it or not, it’s true! Luckily, there are a handful of high paying seasonal jobs for RVers if you know just where to look.

 I’ve compiled this list and comprehensive breakdown of some of the most lucrative options available!  After reading this list, you will know just what to expect as you continue your search for high paying seasonal jobs for RVers.


First up on our list of high paying seasonal jobs for RVers comes to you from none other than Amazon! Amazon has a really cool program for RVers (and other forms of campers) called Camperforce.

Seasonal Jobs for RVers, Amazon Camperforce, Workamping, Make money on the road

What is Amazon Camperforce?

Amazon hires RVers for high paying seasonal jobs throughout the year on location in various destinations throughout the US. These jobs can be short term and last just a few weeks or they can last several months, depending.

Amazon hires RVers for fulfillment jobs at warehouses in various locations, the biggest season being right before the holidays as orders increase and they need extra help.

There are various positions working for Amazon Camperforce that include: picking orders, packing, forklift driver, supervisors and more.

Job Details

As an Amazon Camperforce Associate, you will work… a lot. Amazon ensures that their Camperforce workers are always working at least full-time, even on slow days. They will send their full-time employees home to ensure their Camperforce workers always have something to do!

You can expect to be on your feet all day, and the job roles are generally pretty physically demanding. Camperforce workers will work around 40 hours a week with occasional mandatory overtime and the ability to work up to 60 hours… in one week!

Depending on your job position with Amazon Camperforce, the work can be really grueling – but they tell you that up front. The warehouses are huge and Camperforce workers report walking several miles a day back and forth, bending, lifting and not sitting down for several hours at a time.

Amazon Camperforce Hook-Up

All Amazon Camperforce Associates will be provided a complimentary campsite with full-hookups for their RV at a campground close to the fulfillment center. Each location usually has a list of campgrounds to choose from, and if you’re applying early enough in the season you’ll get first choice. Amazon will generally cover your stay at your chosen campground for 2 days before and after your job begins and ends – giving you time to get settled in and time to decompress and pack up to leave.

Amazon has very competitive wages for their Camperforce program, varying depending on job position but usually no less than $10 and change per hour. They also provide health benefits for every Camperforce worker for the duration of the job. Due to the grueling nature of the work performed – they offer a completion bonus of $1.00 for every hour worked if you finish your work commitment.

Amazon Camperforce is hiring throughout the year for jobs in different locations for different dates, and they hold “Jobinars” for those wanting to learn more. You can apply for Amazon Camperforce Jobs Here: Amazon Camperforce

A quick Google search will yield many results of reviews from RVers who have worked for Amazon Camperforce in previous seasons – as well as some disparaging articles from larger publishers looking to make headlines. It’s best to do some research and form opinions for yourself – particularly from people who have actually been there and experienced it!

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Previously mentioned in a previous post about the American Crystal Sugar Beet Harvest – the Sugar Beet Harvest is one of the most high paying seasonal job for RVers out there!

Seasonal Jobs for RVers, Sugar Beet Harvest

What is the Sugar Beet Harvest?

The Sugar Beet Harvest is in the Fall season from mid-late September and is generally finished by the end of October. It all depends on how much work there is, how much help they have and weather conditions throughout the month.

From their website: “The American Crystal Sugar Company is an Agricultural Cooperative Owned by about 3,000 Sugar Beet Growers in the Northern United States…

American Crystal Sugar Hires over 1,300 short term workers at 45 Sugar Beet receiving stations for each years harvest…  Locals and travelers alike come to make a hefty paycheck while being able to enjoy various outdoor attractions and camp sites.”

Job Details

Working for the Sugar Beet Harvest is very physically demanding work – long days and no days off until the job is completed, unless the weather gets bad. There are no part-time positions – Sugar Beet Harvest workers can expect to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week in varying weather conditions. The weather can be quite mild or it can be cold, windy and wet!

RVers and campers will usually arrive on the jobsite in mid-late September, with work beginning by the end of September through mid-late October.

The Sugar Beet Harvest Hook-Up

Campers will be provided with a complementary campsite with full or partial hookups. If your location does not have full hookups you will have free access to a honey-wagon (pretty name for a waste-water truck) a couple times a week.

Due to the long hours and little down time, the company looks out for their workers who have pets. According to their FAQ page, they normally will have someone at the campground who will walk dogs for campers working the harvest.

Sugar Beet Harvest workers can make up to $2500 per week! This depends on your location and your position, but since there are no part time positions or days off, your chances of realistically making this amount are very high. Like Amazon, American Crystal Sugar offers a completion bonus to all workers who finish out the season with a nice incentive. The bonus is 5% of all wages earned.

You can find more information on their FAQ page here.

Apply for a position in the Sugar Beet Harvest Here.


Gate guards can make anywhere from $100-$300 per day… That’s the GOOD news! Gate Guarding can be a short or long-term commitment and will require you and a partner to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, checking in people coming into an Oil or Gas field. Oil Field Gate Guarding is definitely one of the most high paying seasonal jobs for RVers that there is.

What is Gate Guarding?

Oil, Gas and Security companies hire contractors as gate guards for oil and gas drilling operations. RVers are a prime choice for this job because Gate Guards need to be on location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are often in very rural locations where rentals are non-existent.

There are hundreds of these jobs throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and other states that have a lot of Oil and Gas.

A Gate Guard is placed at the entrance to a drilling operation where they are looking for oil or gas or putting in a new well, which can range anywhere from a few weeks to months at a time.

Job Details

As a Gate Guard, your duties will consist of usually working 24-hour shifts – making this a job most suited for couples – and you will be monitoring all traffic that comes into the field. Your job as a Gate Guard is to do nothing but observe and report – you observe who is coming in and report it on a log. Usually, you will take their names, who they work for, what they’re working on and for how long.

Gate Guards need to be careful about who they check in and let enter the field, these are secretive operations and you don’t want to let the competitors slip in and check out what’s going on! This is not a common occurrence and there will be someone you can call in these situations. You will be briefed on all of this when you take a Gate Guarding Job.

Gate Guarding Hook-Up

Generally speaking… there aren’t any. It will be you, your RV and a field. Some companies will provide you with a generator with fuel, a septic tank to attach to that is pumped out once a week and a fresh water supply tank to make sure that you have adequate electricity, wastewater storage, and fresh water.

Occasionally you will find a Gate Guarding job where you are put up in a campground close to the site, but for the most part, you will be on location – which in my opinion would be easier!

You won’t be able to go explore the area with your partner as one of you will always need to be on duty. If you need groceries, only one of you can go. If you need to do laundry, only one of you can go. It’s not a glamorous job, but the pay is unrivaled – no one said high paying seasonal jobs for RVers would be easy!

As previously stated, the pay can range anywhere from around $150-$300 a day depending on the security level and how busy the site is.

How To Find Gate Guarding Jobs

This one is a little more difficult because there isn’t just one company or agency that hires all the gate guards.

There are many locations and many Oil and Gas companies that hire for these positions, there are also staffing agencies that provide some of the Oil and Gas companies with gate guards as well. It will be up to you whether you want to apply with an agency or reach out to Oil and Gas companies yourself.

The easiest way to find these jobs is to search Google for them – they are often listed on regular job boards such as Indeed, Monster and even Craigslist. You will also find them on websites that specialize in job boards for RVers such as Workamper News. Another resource for is a website called Workers On Wheels – they have several advertisements for Gate Guarding companies and if you search their site for Gate Guard it will yield even more information.

A lot of times you will just be given a name and a contact phone number to call and talk to someone about Gate Guarding. If you have any references or suggestions for finding Gate Guarding jobs – leave them in the comments below!

Learn the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Gate Guarding as an RVer on Xscapers here. 

Additionally, you can search on Workers on Wheels here.

making money and RVing, making money while traveling, making money online, seasonal jobs for rvers

photo credit: pixabay



A seasonal job that can really help you get into the holiday spirit is managing Christmas Tree Lots! Often times when I’ve driven past a Christmas Tree Lot, I’ve seen an RV parked there and just assumed it was a family operation and they’re staying on site. While this may be true some of the time, a lot of these operations are run by companies who hire RVers to manage their lots for the season and due to their physical nature ,they are also one of the most high paying seasonal jobs for RVers.

What is a Christmas Tree Lot?

A lot full of trees for sale for Christmas, of course! Usually ,trucks and shipments will come full of trees to stock the lot with and are sold for a month or two before Christmas in neighborhoods and cities throughout the US.

Job Details

This job can vary depending on whether you go through an individual or company and what you’re hired on for. You may just be an employee in the tree lot or you may be the manager of the whole thing.

As a manager, you will most likely be in charge of everything. From staffing the lot, taking and unloading tree shipments and setting them up and maintaining all sales, safety and security, it can be a lot of responsibility. Luckily, it’s a pretty lucrative gig!

The amount you will make working at a Christmas Tree lot will also vary depending on the job details and whether or not you make commission in addition to base pay, but RVers who have done this work in the past boast as much as $10,000 per season!

The Christmas Tree Lot Hook Up

Usually you won’t have hookups as a tree lot manager, but this can vary depending on your situation. It is always a good idea to be self-contained in your RV, but you will always need to dump your tanks! In some situations you’ll be put up in a campground but usually you’ll be on location for lot security. You may have a waste water truck provided or you may be responsible for that yourself, every job is different.

How to Find Christmas Tree Lot Jobs

Since this type of job varies so much – you’ll be best searching for them yourself! Start early on – in the summer – looking for these jobs on the popular online job boards, Craigslist and on Google.

You can also check RVer job resources such as Workamper News and Workers on Wheels! Christmas Tree Lots looking for RVers are aware of these resources and use them often.


Very similar to Christmas Tree Lots, these are jobs that often hire RVers to stay and work on their sites selling Fireworks, Pumpkins and even running Pumpkin Patches.

Job Details

Running a Pumpkin Lot or Firework Stand is similar to running a Christmas Tree Lot in that you’ll likely be in charge of inventory and stocking, staffing and all daily operations. These are also up in the ranks with high paying seasonal jobs for RVers. In the case of a Pumpkin Patch, your tasks will be very different. There will be rides and inflatables, petting zoos and other activities you will be in charge of.

In some cases, the Pumpkin Lot or Patch will be owned by the same company as the Christmas Tree Lot, and you’ll have the opportunity to work both of them and keep yourself busy and employed for a couple of months during the holiday season.

Like Christmas Tree Lots, Pumpkin and Firework Sales pay is competitive, but the hours are long, the work is physical and grueling, and there won’t be time for anything other than working.

Where to Find Pumpkin and Firework Lot Jobs

Just like the Christmas Tree Lot Jobs, you’ll need to search for these seasonally and often in various places throughout the internet.

Be sure to check resources like Workamper News and Workers on Wheels for the latest seasonal job listings!

High Paying Seasonal Jobs for RVers

As you can see, the general consensus of the most lucrative high paying seasonal jobs for RVers are that they are short term with long hours, an abundance of hard, physical labor and not much time for anything else!

For some people, it’s totally worth it. You’re working a lot and making a lot of money, but you don’t have a lot of time to go out and spend it. It’s a good way to save money because you’re not paying for living expenses and you’re not going out spending it as often – a lot of RVers and travelers use these jobs to stockpile money and then go out and travel for a few months before taking on their next seasonal job. As the saying goes, work hard and play harder!

Do you know of any other high paying seasonal jobs for RVers? Would you like to see more on this subject? Let me know in the comments below!

High Paying Jobs for RVers

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Carrie Wilder

Carrie has a passion for location independence and nomadic lifestyles. After traveling full-time in an RV and living the van life, she created Making Money and Traveling to help others make the switch to a remote lifestyle. Learn more about Carrie on the About page or connect on social media below. 

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